
Simple Way to Cook Favorite Pumpkin soup aka Crema di zucca (light version)

  • By Mayme Love
  • 25 Aug, 2019
Simple Way to Cook Favorite Pumpkin soup aka Crema di zucca (light version)
Simple Way to Cook Favorite Pumpkin soup aka Crema di zucca (light version)

Hey everyone, it’s Clark, welcome to my recipe site. Today I will show you a way to prepare a special dish, Pumpkin soup aka Crema di zucca (light version). This is one of my favourite food recipe, this time i’am gonna make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna really delicious.

Pumpkin soup aka Crema di zucca (light version) Recipe. Tortelli di zucca (Homemade Pumpkin Ravioli). One of the nicest parts of this, my favorite season, is the arrival of wonderful produce: mushrooms, endive, chestnuts, cabbage, radicchio… but for me no other vegetable is as.

You can have Pumpkin soup aka Crema di zucca (light version) using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Pumpkin soup aka Crema di zucca (light version)

  1. Take 1.3 kg of pumpkin.
  2. You need 2 of small potatoes.
  3. Make ready 1 of onion.
  4. Take of Water.
  5. Take of Salt and pepper.
  6. Make ready 3 leaves of sage.
  7. Make ready 70 gr of cubes of smoked pancetta as topping.
  8. It’s of Nutmeg as much as we want.
  9. It’s of Parmesan cheese as topping.

Crema di cavolfiore con briciole di pane e polvere di olive.La zucca arrostita è una ricetta saporita e semplice da preparare, da sia come antipasto che come contorno, light ma gustosa.La zuppa cavolo nero e zucca è una ricetta invernale e colorata.Nelle serate d'inverno adoro coccolarmi con.

Pumpkin soup aka Crema di zucca (light version) step by step

  1. We cut in medium pieces the pumpkin, onion and potatoes. We add salt l, sage and 1 lt of water. We let it boil in high fire..
  2. When its boiled we reduce the heat in medium fire and and we leave it to cook until the pumpkin is soft, (around 20 minutes). When is ready we filter and we keep in a bowl aside all of the boiled water we had in our pot and with a minipimer we squash the mix of potatoes, pumpkin and onion till we have a nice creamy result. If it's too thick we add some of the boiled water we kept aside..
  3. When the mix is creamy we adjust if needed salt and we add nutmeg and pepper as much as we want. We keep stirring with the minipimer till pepper and nutmeg are dissolved..
  4. We can keep the remaining water as vegetable broth for soups.
  5. Final step: In a pan we cook the pancetta cubes till they become crispy and with a nice color. We keep it aside in order to add it in our dish or we add it in the pot, depends if you want pancetta in your soup or not..
  6. We serve the soup and we add either pancetta on top or parmigiano. Enjoy!.

I modified this soup so it would be lighter in both fat and calories.Part one - an apple cake with apple cider honey zabaglione.Yes, yes, we're featuring two soup recipes in a row on The Jew & The Carrot - but what is fall without an abundance of warm, creamy soups?!

Tortelli di zucca, pumpkin ravioli, is a traditional dish that both I and my son had a couple times on our trip and really enjoyed.I always thought our local restaurant made a pretty good version until I was spoilt by the homemade Italian pasta which was much heavier on the egg yolk, and the filling felt.Aggiungete acqua a coprire il tutto e fate cuocere per un ora o fino a che la zucca non incominci a disfarsi.Togliete dal fuoco, aggiungete un bicchiere di latte e passate con il frullatore ad immersione.This pumpkin soup recipe is creamy AND healthy!